I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of these little gems. How cute are they?!? I mean, the fish and owl need a little work, but you get the idea, right? I saw these over on Buzzfeed a long time ago and decided I needed to recreate them for Leah.
She was so excited and mostly I was excited that she could recognize what the animals actually were. Okay, the fish she was a little confused about but honestly, that one was a little sketchy. Then she proceeded to eat the fruit off, then she started to lick the peanut butter, then she settled into the nutella. She wasn’t a fan of the cream cheese, but it was cute so whatever.
These are SO easy to assemble and took no time at all. You gotta try these for your kids or your husband or yourself because toast can be boring.
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The cat was Leah’s favorite by far. The kid is obsessed with cats. Both Dave and I aren’t big cat people, actually Dave is allergic, but still she is obsessed. I see a very sad discussion in our future about how we can’t get a cat. Can I offer you some cat toast instead?
Clearly I love peanut butter and nutella because they are amazing. Not only are they tasty on toast, but these are the easiest to make. Literally, sliced bananas and blueberries. Genius.
The owl was a little sketchy. Better than the fish, but Leah guessed it on the first try so I feel like that is a success. Feathers are hard, okay.
The fish isn’t that bad? Tasty though.
Proud Toast Mama.
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