Next it’s time to add the eggs and vanilla. Mom added the vanilla. Then she asked if I wanted to crack the eggs. I love cracking the eggs but I’m not so happy about the goo that gets on my hands. So I decided to help out my mom and start the cracks for her. I figured I can start it for her, I’m super strong. Have you seen my muscles?
We added the eggs and vanilla then mixed it all up with the mixer. That thing is loud so I plug my ears sometimes. Time for the flour!
Flour , baking soda and salt is all mixed in!
And now my favorite part, the chocolate chips. I get to pour those in. There is no debate about that one. Chocolate Chips and I are besties and I will never leave them. Sometimes I need to test a few out just to make sure they are okay to go into the dough. Safety first. It’s a sacrifice I make for my family. I’m not a hero, I just do what I think is right.
I guess it’s time to mix the chocolate chips in…..but wait! I have an idea. I want to put M&Ms in the cookies. My dad loves M&Ms, he’ll be so excited. On second thought, what if we just put in ONE M&M. One YELLOW M&M. Oh man, I am so smart. This is such a great idea. Then it will be so fun to eat all the cookies and whoever finds the yellow M&M is the winner! Mom is so excited too! This is SO fun!!
One of the questions I get the most is “how do you cook with Leah and not lose your mind?” If you’ve ever tried to cook with a child (or really just do anything with a small child) then you know this is a feat and also extremely frustrating. Here’s the deal: Leah has been in the kitchen with me since she was born. Literally, she was a newborn and I would have her strapped to me while cooking. Don’t worry, no hot oils splattering. But she did get some flour on her head from time to time. She’s all good.
Cooking or baking with a kiddo takes time and patience. The more you do it, the more they get used to it and start to enjoy it. But also, Leah is 4 and she is a strong willed kiddo and there are times when she just isn’t into it. And that’s okay.
The biggest tip I can give is to go into it with no expectations and also know that there will be a mess. But with the mess, they are learning so much! Following steps, math, being creative, fine motor skills, new words, confidence and I’ve definitely found that Leah will eat more of the things she has a hand in making.
I am SO excited to share Leah’s favorite things to make as well as show the real parts of cooking with Leah. 🙂 She’s funny and weird and all over the place and I LOVE teaching her to cook.
Here we go!
First up: Mom carried the mixer out onto the counter and got it all set up. She then reminded for the 500th time that I can’t touch the beater unless she tells me I can. I know moommmmm. Mom added the Crisco, the brown sugar and the white sugar. Mom asked if I wanted to pour in the sugars but I said no. But I do sneak a few little tastes of the dough. Mom tries to stop me and says it’s only butter and sugar right now. Um, have you had butter? Good. Have you had sugar, also good.
1 cup Crisco (don’t freak out, it’s what makes it good)
¾ cup brown sugar
¾ cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 ¼ cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 package semi-sweet chocolate chips
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