Ice Cream Bread. Yes, you read that right. Ice Cream BREAD. I saw this one on Tik Tok as all good and weird things start from Tik Tok. Of course I had to try it. First of all, this gives me definite vibes of the Two Ingredient Bagels because it’s a) two ingredients and b) that one uses yogurt and this one uses ice cream so it’s all basically the same kind of stuff involved.
The Ice Cream Bread is much sweeter but not in an overly sweet way, it’s subtle. The biggest thing I liked about this bread (besides how easy it is) is that it’s SO soft. It was incredible!
Watch the video above and then check out the recipe! Grab your kids too, this one would be a really fun one to do with them as well.
Ice Cream Bread is incredibly sweet and super soft. It’s so good and surprising. Choose your favorite flavor and make your own, only two ingredients!
1 1/2 cups Self Rising Flour
2 cups (1 pint) Hiland Dairy Ice Cream, any flavor
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