Are we all on the same page with the Pink Starburst being the best? Okay, fine, I do love a red and orange or yellow occasionally too. But the pink seems to be the superior Starburst.
One of my favorite home made ice cream flavors I’ve made in the past is Cereal Milk Ice Cream which infuses the flavor of any type of cereal into a creamy and rich ice cream. The obvious next step was to try to infuse one of my favorite candies into ice cream as well. Pink Starburst Ice Cream is born. It’s easy to make and tastes exactly like a Pink Starburst in creamy, smooth ice cream form.
I am all about nostalgia when it comes to ice cream and other summer treats. Every year when I celebrate Ice Cream Week here on the blog, I always try to create recipes that bring me (and hopefully my readers!) back to the summers of childhood. Over the years I’ve created everything from Brownie Ice Cream Cake to no churn rainbow ice cream and graham cracker ice cream sandwiches. YUM.
This simple recipe requires just four ingredients – most of which you probably already have in the house!
Obviously, for Pink Starburst Ice Cream, you are going to need pink Starburst. And lots of them. This recipe uses about 30 Starburst. Unwrapping them is tedious, but I told Leah I would give her a dollar to unwrap them all so that worked out well. Work smarter, not harder.
If I want to be sure my recipes will turn out creamy, smooth, and delicious, I always use Hiland Dairy products. It’s all I use. Hiland products are made from milk that comes from local farmers, so it’s fresh. It also includes no artificial growth hormones and is rigorously tested for antibiotics, so you know you’re getting the best quality dairy. (P.S. If you’re buying Hiland Dairy products, make sure to check out their coupons!)
Any kind of milk will work for this ice cream recipe. Personally, I like to go all-in when I’m making ice cream and I usually opt for whole milk (another opportunity to use Hiland Dairy!). But you could definitely make this with 1% or skim milk, or even a dairy-free alternative if that’s what you had on hand.
Just a touch of sweetness from pure vanilla extract will add to the flavor of the creaminess and unmistakable Pink Starburst flavors. My favorite vanilla to use is by Rodelle and you can get it here!
I like to use Kosher salt for most of my cooking, but any salt will do! Grab whatever you have in the pantry and add it to your ice cream for a slightly salty twist that makes the sweetness even better.
Yes, that simple. In a medium bowl, add the heavy cream, milk, sugar, vanilla and salt. Whisk them together until the sugar is dissolved.
After you’ve bribed your child to unwrap all the Starburst, add them to the rest of the mix. Careful not to splatter it all over when you drop the Starburst in. Learn from my mistakes. Stir it up a bit then cover the bowl and place in the fridge to chill for about 24 hours.
After the Pink Starburst ice cream mixture has chilled, remove from the fridge and strain the liquid from the remaining Starburst. Pour the liquid into your ice cream maker and start churning. Mine took about 25 minutes and the consistency should be like a soft serve ice cream.
If you are looking for an ice cream maker, I love mine! It’s a Cuisinart and is incredibly easy to use.
After churning, transfer the pink ice cream into an ice cream storage container and place in the freezer for a few hours until the ice cream hardens a bit. You can definitely eat it right after churning, but freezing it after will harden the texture up a bit.
There are so many ways to make this Starburst Ice Cream recipe your own! Let your creativity (and your taste buds) run wild and try some of these fun twists.
Not a Pink Starburst fan, try a different color! Or maybe mix all the colors together and make the ultimate Starburst candy ice cream flavor.
I have my eye on some Skittles, Swedish fish, Reese’s pieces, and jolly ranchers. The possibilities are endless. The milk base remains the same, but you can try any candy for all different flavors with your favorite candy!
There’s a reason I celebrate ice cream week every year – I seriously love the stuff! And that’s good news for you because it means I have a ton of ice cream, milkshake and summer treat recipes to explore on the site.
Here are a few of my favorites:
And if you’re interested in creating more deliciousness with Hiland Dairy products, be sure to check out Hiland Dairy’s recipes too (including some created by yours truly!).
Creamy, Smooth ice cream with the big flavor of a Pink Starburst candy. Easy to make with simple ingredients and the unmistakable flavor of a pink Starburst.
2 cups Hiland Dairy Heavy Cream
1 cup Hiland Dairy whole milk
¾ cup sugar
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Big pinch of salt
30 Pink Starburst candies
1. In a medium size bowl, add the heavy cream, milk, sugar, salt and vanilla. Whisk together to combine and sugar has dissolved.
2. Add the Pink Starbursts in and mix together. Cover the bowl and place the mixture in the fridge overnight.
3. The next day, place a bowl with a strainer over the top and pour the whole mix into the strainer to strain the liquid out from the leftover Starburst. (lots will have dissolved into the mixture) Discard the leftover Starbursts.
4. Pour the milk mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to directions. Mine took about 25 minutes. Ice cream will be a soft serve texture. Remove from the ice cream maker and place into an ice cream container or Tupperware to store. Place in the freezer for a few hours or until ready to serve. Ice cream will firm up.
5. Serve and enjoy!
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